Welcome All!!!!

You Are Fortunate to Have Reached My Page!!!!!

Hey Everybody........Thanks for visiting us...

My Name is Phillip Micheal Turpin, and I'm a Vocal Performance and a Theatre Arts Performance Major. I'm provide lead vocals as well as play a little guitar for our group. I'm estatic that our group has gone on so far from its meager beginnings. The group started out kind a like an experiment....

My church was having a "Block" Party,(For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a summer celebration.... kinda thingie.) and they asked me to perform, but I didn't want to do it by myself, so I asked Bradley, Ric, and Andy to form a group and do a little bit of music....and here we are....

I have so many that I would like to thank.....but first and formost I would like to thank our kind, Heavenly Father for all the blessings he has given me. I would then like to thank All of the band's members... Bradley, Andy, and Ric....for their love and support..... My Life feels more complete now...and finally I'd like to thank James(our producer), Elizabeth(my sister), and Daryl(more than just a groupie).....these are the behind the scenes people that have helped and guided me through my journey........Thank You Everyone!!!!

VERY soon we will have sound bytes of our album...and even pictures of us all....If you want to drop me a line just follow the link at the bottom of the page.....or go back to the homepage.....and drop everybody a line.............Anyway.....please visit the rest of my links.......mostly they are for Theatre, Music, and all things artsy, but you need to go to the Titanic link. That was probably the best movie I've ever seen.Everyone needs to see this fabulous movie!!!!!!....Also, if you can't tell I really like Jewel....use the web ring it is fabulous!!!!!

Now comes the time when I'd like to say goodbye to our Bassist. Andy has been with us since the begining, but now he's leaving us for Uncle Sam. I want to thank him for his service to our Father and to our group. Thanks Chief, we'll all miss you!!!

::sniff...sniff:: Anyway, if you like to sing, dance, draw, or anything artsy...or you just want to talk about Jewel or something drop me a letter, and I'll make sure that I respond........

Phillip Micheal Turpin

This is one of my personal favorite pieces of art on the theme of VERY!!!!!!

Some Really Awesome Quotes That aren't

"Grace is the refinement of a soul through time." -Jewel

"We are each others angels in the way that we answer each others prayers and we can also make each others lives miserable." -Jewel

There are two forces at work in the universe.....Chaos, which Creates, and Order, which Maintains.....Neither can exist without the other.----Albert Einstein

For if I laugh at any mortal thing, it is that I may not cry ---George Gordon, Lord Byron

"Hands manifest thought." -Jewel

None of us are real good or real bad, but by Jiminy gents there's a Rotten Game and there's a Great Game......---Blanco Posnet

The Opppsite of war isn't peace...it's creation..---from RENT

"I believe your mind creates your world, your life is the emotional perception." -Jewel

The product of Theatre is at best temporary, a fleeting moment of creative expression. Old programs and partial recollections creates a family closeness that, despite efforts to the contrary, fade with the final curtain. There is a wonderment in the fact that so many of us give so much pusuit of this elusive, short-lived mode of expression. Yet we would not do otherwise.-----Nils Cruz

No other road, no other way......no day but today.---also from RENT

My Fun Links


This Is Only The Coolest Movie Out There Right Now!!!!!--------See It!!!!!

Join the ring! List all the sites in the ring! Go to a random site in the ring! Skip over the next site in the ring! List the next five sites in the ring! Skip the previous site in the ring! Go to the previous site in the ring! Go to the next site in the ring! Learn more about Kate Winslet!
Most Awesome for Up and Comming Acting People

The most comprehensive list of Theatre Links I've Ever Seen!!!

[Playbill On-Line Banner]
All Things Broadway

This is a Really neat page I saw...she sound's cool!!!

This is Bradley's Page.....he used some of the links I wanted to!!

This is my attempt at a Jewel Page!!!!!

This is my web ring page......it is very neat!!!!!!

If you need HELP:

If you are confused, lost, something is not working, or you have questions, concerns, comments, or suggestion please e-mail me:


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I Got Bored, So I thought I'd put Dogpile's Search engine on my Site...... heheheheheheheheheheh